Our On the Record rapid-fire series provides insights and analysis on commercial and contractual disputes and the issues that drive them. The series will address a range of topics, including class actions, cross-border, crypto, product liability, life sciences and technology disputes.
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Cross-Border Considerations for Protecting Privileged Evidence
Thursday, 6 June 2024 | 4:00 – 5:30 pm BST
Throughout the global economy, information and evidence flow freely across borders. While most jurisdictions recognize that the flow of information between lawyers and their clients deserves some form of protection, the application and extent of a “privilege†to withhold evidence from adversaries varies depending on whether the context is civil, criminal, regulatory or investigative in nature.
Good Faith in English Law Contracts: What Does It Mean?
Join members of our commercial disputes team for a 30-minute, rapid-fire webinar discussing the concept of good faith in English law contracts. How have the courts interpreted the phrase? Does it help resolve disputes or create uncertainty? We will consider use of the term in shareholder agreements and commercial contracts
Addressing Unfair Regulatory Treatment and Government Actions
Life sciences, tech and other disruptive companies regularly face regulatory and legislative actions from foreign governments that challenge their business models. All indications suggest that the amount of regulation will increase. Join members of Cooley’s international arbitration team for a 30-minute, rapid-fire discussion about obtaining compensation and other remedies for breaches by foreign states of the protections that international investment law offers against arbitrary, discriminatory and other unfair treatment.
Convergence of Products and Privacy: The Risk of Crossover Collective Actions
Join members of Cooley’s disputes, privacy and products teams for a 30-minute, rapid-fire webinar discussing the risk of crossover collective (class) actions – particularly in the products, life sciences and tech sectors – arising from accelerating technological convergence and new and overlapping regulatory frameworks. We also will consider preventative steps to reduce litigation risk.
International dispute resolution in life sciences: arbitration v litigation?
Join lawyers from our London disputes team for a 30-minute rapid-fire webinar discussing best practices for efficient and effective dispute avoidance and resolution, particularly in respect of cross-border life sciences agreements. We will discuss contractual dispute resolution mechanisms, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of international arbitration and litigation, including confidentiality and enforcement.
EU and UK Collective Action Risks From Regulatory Reforms in Product Safety, Compliance and Consumer Protection
Join members of Cooley’s disputes and products teams for a 30-minute rapid-fire webinar discussing regulatory reforms driving increasing class action risks, particularly in relation to the use of artificial intelligence and the targeting of online marketplaces. We will focus on the OPSS report considering how artificial intelligence impacts product safety, the impact of the EU’s likely standalone AI liability regime, and Digital Services Act reforms. Throughout we will consider preventative actions to reduce the liability risk.
English Crypto Litigation: The Cases so far and the Key Issues To Be Resolved
Tuesday 16th May: 4:30 – 5:00 BST
Join members of Cooley’s disputes team for a 30-minute rapid-fire webinar discussing some of the important crypto decisions made by the English Courts so far and the key issues to be resolved. This is a rapidly developing area, with English Courts at the forefront of grappling with the complex issues which arise. We will consider cases concerning the tracing of stolen crypto assets, claims against crypto exchanges arising from the fraud of their customers, as well as the assertion in the Tulip Trading case that software developers owe fiduciary duties to help recover bitcoin which is inaccessible as a result of criminal activity, and the wider implications if this claim succeeds.
EU and UK Collective Actions: What Is Driving Rapid Growth and What Are the Future Risks?Tuesday 20th April: 4:30 – 5:00 BST
We will discuss the EU and UK frameworks for collective actions, factors driving the growth in claims, evolving claimant tactics, use of antitrust mechanisms to make claims on behalf of consumers, the likely impact of the EU Representative Actions Directive and future risks – particularly those arising from the interplay between the directive and other regulatory developments in the EU.